Shipping & Tax
We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations. When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the availability of your items. offers the following shipping Policy: We currently ship to the US, including Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, USVI, APO and FPO addresses. We also ship worldwide. Please contact us for orders outside United States and his territories. International shipping fees may vary per country. Shipments to APO, FPO and international will take longer to arrive. Please allow 24 to 48 hours to process your order (s) and 5 to 12 days to arrive with regular shipping. if you want a fastest delivery option, please let us know by email at Additional fees apply. For any reason, if we don’t have the product in stock, please allow 5 days more to process your order (s). Remember, the process / handling time is different from the shipping time. Please avoid last minute shopping for the HOLIDAYS, shop early so your order (s) arrives on time. After December 10, we cannot guarantee you orders before Christmas day.
Laws and Taxes
Laws and Taxes: Any tax or custom fees for the shipping and handling of items are the sole responsibility of each buyer, client or user. 11.5% of IVU (tax) apply for Puerto Rico residents. we only collect Puerto Rico IVU (tax). These laws are applicable according to each state, territory or country.